SCIENCE Questions Based on: "What Your 4th Grader Needs to Know" by E.D. Hirsch These questions are copyright 1997 Karen Crowther and are not endorsed nor sponsored by the Core Curriculum Foundation nor E.D. Hirsch. They are brought to you as a public service by Redwood Games ( You may use them for personal use provided you do not remove this notice and provided you do not distribute them. ASSIGNMENT #1 ============= __Science Fossils p 313-top 317 What does a paleontologist study?____________________________________________ How do we know how old the fossils are?______________________________________ What kind of rock are fossils found in most often?___________________________ What is a mold fossil?_______________________________________________________ What is a cast fossil?________________________________________________________ What is a petrified fossil?___________________________________________________ What is a trace fossil?_______________________________________________________ What is a true form fossil?___________________________________________________ In what was a whole fossil insect found?______________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #2 ============= __Science p 317-318 Make a fossil ASSIGNMENT #3 ============= __Science p 319-324 Why do we think Antarctica used to have a warm, wet climate? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What is a mesohippus and what animal of today is it related to? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Have the mountains always been here? How do we know? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How do scientists explain the same types of plants and animals appearing on separate pieces of land? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name each of the four large prehistoric eras and tell about each: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #4 ============= __Science p 324-top 326 What did Anaximander the Greek say in 550BC ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What theory did Charles Darwin get evidence for? What does that theory say? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What are the 4 points of Darwin's theory? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #5 ============= __Science p 326-top 330 study for science test TEST #1 ======= Science Test #1 Match the following kinds of fossils with their descriptions: __Cast A. footprints preserved in rock __Petrified B. a hollow place made by a plant or animal that fills with minerals __Mold C. a hollow space in the rock where the plant or animal used to be __Trace D. The actual animal or plant or its teeth or bones __True Form E. minerals have gradually replaced the cells of the plant What does a paleontologist study? ________________________________________________________________ Circle the kind of rocks that fossils are most often found in: igneous sedimentary granitic lava True or False: ___Antarctica has always been very cold ___A mesohippus is the ancestor of the modern day hippopotamus ___Similar fossils may be found on unconnected pieces of land because the land used to be connected. ___The large mountains we see today were formed at the same time as the earth and have always been here Number the following in order and match them with their descriptions: A. One big continent. Fish, amphibians, insects, trilobytes B. Volcanos, one-celled animals C. Flowering plants, forests, grass, mammals, modern animals D. Pangaea separated into 7 continents. Dinosaurs lived and then became extinct Number Description ___ ___ Cenozoic Era ___ ___ Precambrian Era ___ ___ Paleozoic Era ___ ___ Mesozoic Era ASSIGNMENT #6 ============= __Science p 326-top 330 What is the system that pumps and carries blood throughout the body called? ______________________________________________________________________________ What are the three types of solids in blood and what does each do? 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ What is the liquid part of blood called and what does it do? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name 3 types of blood vessels and tell what each does. 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ Where does blood get oxygen from? ______________________________________________________________________________ Name the 4 chambers of the heart. ______________________________________________________________________________ What does blood pick up from the cells? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What does blood take to the kidneys and what happens to it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What does blood take to the skin and what happens to it? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What clogs up blood vessels? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What makes a heart attack? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #7 ============= __Science p 330-332 Your nose, mouth, throat, lungs and diaphragm are all part of the ____________ What does your respiratory system do for your body? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What muscle helps your lungs pull in air and push it out? _____________________ Name the path air takes to get from your nose to your lungs: 1. Nose 2._________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.______________________________ 5._______________________________________ What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?_____________________________ What happens to lungs of people who smoke?______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How can you make your lungs stronger? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #8 ============= __Science p 335-336 Name the 4 parts of the earth from inside out and tell what each part is like: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Is the crust of the earth smooth and connected?____________________________ ASSIGNMENT #9 ============== __Science p 336-337 Where are faults usually located? .______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What often happens on faults? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What is a big wave caused by an earthquake called? _________________________ ASSIGNMENT #10 ============== __Science p 338-339 What is hot melted rock inside the earth called? _____________ What is melted rock that comes out of a volcano called? _________________ Why do volcanos erupt? ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What else comes out of a volcano? _________________________ _________________________ Volcanos are located along the edges of ________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #11 ============== __Science p 340-342 Scientists use a ______________________________ to measure the intensity of an earthquake. The ___________________scale used to measure earthquake intensity is designed so that an earthquake that is a 6 is ______ times as strong as an earthquake that is a 5. There is a theory that the earth's ______ (how many) continents were once one big continent located at the __________________________________ and called ____________________________. The movement of the continental plates is called _______________________________ Reasons that scientists think the continents were joined at one time include: 1. .____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. .____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #12 ============== ____Read p343-345 Name the ways that mountains are formed and give an example of each: 1.____________________________ ____________________________ 2.____________________________ ____________________________ 3.____________________________ ____________________________ 4.____________________________ ____________________________ A very deep valley under the Pacific Ocean is called the _______________________ ASSIGNMENT #13 ============== ____Read p345-350 Rocks look different because: 1.__________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ Sand is mostly ________________________. The hardest mineral is ________________________. Rocks are classified by the way they were formed. Name the 3 types and give examples of each. 1.____________________ _______________________________________ 2,___________________ _______________________________________ 3. ___________________ _______________________________________ Tell how each type of rock is formed: 1.____________________ _______________________________________ 2,___________________ _______________________________________ 3. ___________________ _______________________________________ Name type of weathering and tell how they work 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ The three things that erode soil and rock are: 1. _____________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________ Sediment that is brought down a river and builds up where the river enters a larger body of water makes a ___________________________ ASSIGNMENT #14 ============== ____Read p351-354 The Great Lakes were made by ______________________ about _________ years ago. The two main layers of soil are: ____________________ & _____________________. Where was the Dust Bowl? __________________________- When did the Dust Bowl occur? _______________________ What caused the Dust Bowl? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ What happened during the Dust Bowl? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ASSIGNMENT #15 ============== __Read p 354-357 The study of weather is called ________________________________. The envelope of gases around our earth is called the ______________________ Name the layers of the atmosphere starting at the surface of the earth: 1._____________________________________ 2.______________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4.______________________________________ What layer filters out dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays? ___________________ Most clouds are found in the (which layer?) _______________________________ What warms the air? (watch out - trick question!) _________________________ Air over land is [warmer,colder] than air over water because ______________ __________________________________________________ Why do the sun's rays strike some land more directly? _______________________ What places get more direct sun rays? _____________________________________ What places get less direct sun? ______________________________________________ Heated air [rises,sinks] because ____________________________________________ Cold air [rises,sinks] because __________________________________________ In the U.S. air moves mostly from ____________ to ________________ because of the________________________________. Winds that blow most commonly from one direction are called ______________________ winds. ASSIGNMENT #16 ============== __Read p 357-360 Large, slow-moving bodies of heated or cooled air are called ___________________ The number of warm and cold air masses are about the same in the ______________ The general pattern of weather found in any region is known as its _____________ The U.S. has a _____________________ climate Hawaii has a ________________________ climate. A cloud is made of _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Name the types of clouds and tell what they look like: 1.__________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________ Water vapor (gas) in the air is called _______________________ Cold air holds [more, less] water vapor than hot air can. When hot, moise air touches a cold glass, it ___________________(forms drops) on the glass. ASSIGNMENT #17 ============== __Read p 360-363 Another name for rain, sleet, hail or snow is ___________________________. Explain the water cycle: 1.__________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________________ The edge where a cold air mass pushed under a warm air mass is called a ________ Why do cold fronts often bring storms? _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ As lightning moves through a cloud, it causes __________________________________ which causes thunder. Which travels faster, light or sound? ______________________ Tornadoes form when [cold,warm] fronts move in [above,below] [cold,warm] fronts. Hurricanes for over [warm,cold] oceans near the _____________________. Rainbows form when ________________________________________________________ White light is split into many colors by _______________________. ASSIGNMENT #18 ============== __Science read p363-365 Meteorologists use the following tools to help them predict the weather: 1.____________________ 2.____________________ Barometers measure _____________________________ If the barometer is rising is usually means that the weather will be ________________ while falling air pressure usually means that it will be _____________________________. Weather satellites use ___________________ to send back pictures of clouds and storms to earth. You can release the energy stored in wood by making a _________ Egyptians used _______________ to power their boats. Ancient peoples used ________________________ to turn wheels that could grind their grain. We get energy from __________________________ that use fuels. The downside of burning fuels like coal and gas is ___________________. ASSIGNMENT #19 ============== ___Science read p 365-367: Electricity What makes a lightbulb light up? ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Why does an electric heater get hot? __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ When you move electrons through a wire, a magnetic field forms around the wire. What happens when you move a wire through an electric field? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ In a heat-driven power plant, the heat is used to boil ______________ which turns into ____________________ and is used to turn a turbine. The first generator was made by _______________________. ASSIGNMENT #20 ============== ___Science read p 367-369 Heat is generated in our power plants by burning fuel. List some fuels: 1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________ 4.__________________ 5.__________________ 6.__________________ Gas, coal and other fuels that contain carbon are called ___________ fuels. Scientists think that the carbon in these fuels comes from _________________________________________________________________________ What are gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel made from? ____________ When fuels burn the carbon reacts with the ______________ in the air and produces a gas called __________________________. When carbon dioxide builds up in the air, it causes _____________________. Global warming causes the ____________________ to melt and that causes the oceans to _________________. When some of the fumes from burning fuels combine with moisture in the clouds, they can produce _____________ rain. Will fossil fuels last forever? ________ ASSIGNMENT #21 ============== ___Science p 369-372 The Hoover Dam on the ______________ River supplies what kind of power? ____________________________. The energy of ___________________ water can turn turbines to make electricity. In nuclear energy _____________ are broken apart. This is called _____________________. Often the element used in nuclear reactors is _______________________. The _______________ of the nuclear reaction is used to make ________________ which is used to turn turbines and make electricity. Nuclear disasters have happened at: 1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ Nuclear reactors do not produce pollutants like acid rain but they do create ____________________________. ASSIGNMENT #22 ============== ___Science p 372-374 ________________________ can use the wind to create electricity. The downside of these are: 1.________________________________________________ The sun provides ________________ energy. What is Geothermal energy? ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ What process causes the sun to be so hot? _____________________ When two hydrogen atoms fuse together to make helium, it is called ________________________. Name 6 energy sources that can be turned into electricity: 1.________________________ 2.________________________ 3.________________________ 4.________________________ 5.________________________ 6.________________________ ASSIGNMENT #23 ============== ____Science p 375-376 A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances (except by nuclear reactions) is called ___________________. What is it called when something gives of tiny particles that are smaller than atoms? _________________________ Radioactivity can kill cancer cells but it can also kill _________________ cells and give you __________________. Who discovered radium? _________________________. When was she born? ___________ Radium is found in what mineral? _________________ Marie Curie got radiation poisoning. The symptoms were: 1.________________________ 2.________________________ 3.________________________ In 1903 Marie and Pierre Curie received the ________ Prize. After Pierre died, Marie received another ________________. During World War I, Marie Curie used radioactivity in ________________________ to help injured soldiers. ASSIGNMENT #24 ============== ___Science p 376-378 Medicines that stop infection are called ________________ Alexander Fleming was testing various substances to see which would kill bacteria when he noticed that ___________ had worked! Fleming named his bacteria killer _____________________. By _____________ English and American factories were able to manufacture penicillin. ASSIGNMENT #25 ============== ___Science p 378-379 Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in the United States to _____________________________ Since no hospital in the U.S. would hire her, she went to _______________________ When she returned to the U.S. she ____________________________ ASSIGNMENT #26 ============== __p Science 380-381 Daniel Hale Williams was one of the first medical students to ____________________________________________________________ He created the first ___________________ hospital in the U.S. He operated on a _________________ which was very unusual in those days.